These products contain synthetic nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Vape Responsibly Series 06 – Jacklynn Janos-Arquette

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Vape Responsibly Series 06

As we continue to explore what it means to vape responsibly, we find ourselves having insightful conversations with vapers who have been able to quit smoking cigarettes thanks to vaping. Each of these conversations helps show us that although no one’s story is identical, there are always a few underlying commonalities. For instance, most of the vapers who have successfully switched over talk about having a moment where they clearly see why they need to make the switch.

This week we spoke with Jacklynn Janos Arquette, a 31 year old vaper who is working on becoming an influencer in the hopes that she can help others quit smoking. Her passion and drive to help others quit smoking is a testament to the way the vape community actively tries to help people choose healthier alternatives to smoking combustible cigarettes. 

Here is the conversation we had with Jacklynn, we hope you find it as informative as some of our other conversations about vaping responsibly:


Q: What age did you start smoking cigarettes and how many did you smoke a week? 

A: I started smoking at age 15, and yes I was very young, but it seemed like it was normal at the time and all my friends were also smoking! When I initially started smoking, a pack of cigarettes would probably last me about 3 days, but as I got older I’d smoke a pack a day. 


Q: How did smoking cigarettes affect your life and those around you?

A: I already had a lot of health problems to begin with, mainly to do with fertility and heart problems as well, and smoking cigarettes seemed to make them much worse for me. I was always out of breath and I struggled with migraines weekly! I was always feeling guilty and trying to cover up the stink, as well as worrying about my kids being exposed to secondhand smoke, even though I wasn’t smoking around them – It just gets in your pores and all your clothes!


Q: How did you find vaping? What flavor helped you quit smoking?

A: I had heard of vaping before, but I didn’t really know much about it. I began vaping as a more discrete way to get my nicotine fix while I was at work. As I continued vaping, I discovered that over time I wasn’t craving cigarettes as much anymore, and the less I smoked the better I felt overall. This made me want to learn more about vaping, so I dived into learning about it on YouTube, and as I continued to learn I made the decision that i wanted to quit smoking and be a better role model for my children and also improve my health overall. Fruity and dessert flavors were the key things that helped me quit smoking. Specifically, Pink Punch Lemonade was my go to!


Q: How did vaping make you feel as opposed to cigarettes?

A: My life is honestly so much better without cigarettes! I can’t stress that enough. Like I said, I feel free from always feeling guilty about smoking, and trying to cover up the stink. I can breathe better and my taste buds feel amazing now, I feel like I can taste everything better!


Q: Do you have any advice to those that are currently cigarette smokers and want to make the switch?

A: Quitting is hard, but for anyone thinking about it, I promise that making the switch is truly worth it. It benefits not only your health, but that of everyone around you! I can also tell you that the vaping community is extremely supportive and you won’t be alone on your journey. If one device or flavor doesn’t work for you, just keep trying others until you find the perfect match. I also suggest starting with nicotine salts until you gradually wean yourself off of cigarettes and then you can work yourself down to the less concentrated freebase e-liquids!

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